Better late now than never later. It’s the question that’s buzzing around real estate offices, mortgage companies, backyard barbecues, water coolers and passing conversations with neighbors. The short answer is — we think so. Yes, it is still a good time to buy. The long answer is more complicated. Consider these four trends to help …
Category: buying vs renting
Is Buying Really More Expensive Than Renting?
If you rent, you probably have good reasons. I bet that “paying my landlord’s mortgage”, “noisy neighbors”, or other caveats aren’t among them. Look, we know that owning isn’t right for everyone. As much as we write about why owning a home is better than renting, there are legitimate reasons for choosing to rent. For …
Should You Buy A Home This Spring?
Should you buy a home in the spring, or should you wait? Here are four good reasons to buy now.
Owners Enjoy More Privacy and Security
Maybe you want to remodel the kitchen, paint the walls, or re-tile the shower, but you either don't have permission, or you know it would be throwing money away. Here are a few more reasons why home owners enjoy more privacy and more security than renters.
Rent or Buy? 4 Things to Consider
Housing Cost Control When your current lease ends, your landlord will probably raise your rent. Does the new rent fit your expected housing costs? If not, you will be left planning your next move with short notice. A fixed rate mortgage payment may never change, while the ever-rising rent will continue its ascent. [see Top 5 Financial Reasons To Buy Now] …
The post Rent or Buy? 4 Things to Consider appeared first on Benchmark.
Renting vs Buying a Home and Accumulating Wealth
Does it make more financial sense to buy or to rent? Is the American dream of home ownership still alive? That depends. Let’s explore renting vs buying a home and the effects on family wealth. Recently, the BH&J Buy vs. Rent Index seems to conclude that renting is surpassing buying as the better choice. Is […]
The post Renting vs Buying a Home and Accumulating Wealth appeared first on Benchmark Mortgage Blog.